战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2021-11-23
曾经看过Horipro社长的采访,还是能感觉到他们还是有想法多搏一搏的,虽然这里主要还是指的Horipro的一些商业战略方向,当然现在又是怎么想的,也不好说,不过七月份才和腾讯音乐合作搞了个叫HT Entertainment的公司Nothing ventured, nothing gained
For better or worse, there are very few other family-owned companies in the entertainment industry. Most entertainment companies think the best way of scoring a perfect 10 is to avoid taking risks while you’re in charge so you don’t have any failures. But we’re family-owned, and if we begin thinking of no failure as a perfect 10, we’ll disappear as a company one day. Stars will never be born. Rather than thinking about how to avoid failure at all times, we only think about how to succeed. There’s not a single entertainer who goes into the business thinking they won’t be successful. Everyone’s always convinced they’ll become stars.
That’s the way to think. If they take action while I’m still alive and healthy (points to Mr. Yatabe), their generation will do it next, and the next generation after that. But if we don’t do it now, even if we make mistakes... for the next 20 or 30 years, if the business structure of Japan’s entertainment industry doesn’t change, it will all crumble, and we’ll say: “Too bad, that’s the end. We should have acted when we had the chance.” I don’t want that to happen, that’s all.
摘录于:https://grapee.jp/en/103521(Interview With Horipro International CEO Yoshitaka Hori (Part 1): Founding Motives)