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[讨论] 《星球大战》:就算是最后的二人法则西斯尊主,也有被妹子

发表于 2013-2-17 17:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





Jacen stood behind one of the dirt-and-fiberplast-debris breastworks thrown up around the camp. His watch had ended a couple of hours earlier. He'd gotten something to eat and tried to lie down to sleep, but remained wide awake. He returned to the line and sent another man off to tuck children into bed.If I'm going to be miserable, at least I can help others not be the same.

The events of the past week had confused Jacen terribly. His vision had been incredibly real, yet when he went to follow it, he'd run into disaster. The image of his uncle moving into the Yuuzhan Vong camp, wielding twin lightsabers, still played through his head. He'd known Luke Skywalker all his life, and had acknowledged him his Master, but until that point had never really seen Luke the way others had. Luke's greatest triumphs had been accomplished well before Jacen had been born, so he always knew Luke was a legend, but never had a way to seewhy he had been a legend.

The display he had put on had impressed Jacen, as had his uncle's weakness after the display. It seemed to age Luke terribly to have used the Force so directly. Once on theCourage, the autopilot had been set, and Luke retreated to meditate and recover from the ordeal, leaving Jacen to tend to the cut on his own face. The youth lifted a hand and touched the scab, which was the one tangible reminder of how close he had come to becoming a Yuuzhan Vong slave.

Without it, I might not believe what had happened.

"Don't pick at the wound, Jacen. If it gets infected, you could end up with a nasty scar."

The young Jedi Knight turned and gave Danni a smile, despite how the expression tugged at the scab. "A scar would make me more dashing, don't you think?"

She cocked her head to the side and looked at him, then pursed her lips and shook her head. "You don't need it. You're perfectly handsome as it is-provided you get rid of the worry in your eyes."

Jacen blinked. "Not worry, just confusion. And it shouldn't be that evident, unless you're reading me through the Force."

"I have been practicing what Jaina has shown me, but I've mostly been focusing on light lifting and keeping my feelings to myself." She hugged her arms around her middle. "In becoming attuned to the Force, I'm suddenly aware of how sloppy folks are with their emotions. Some people are just buckets of emotions, sloshing all over the place."

Jacen reached out through the Force and could feel a tingle of fear over Danni. "You're keeping things to yourself pretty well, though fear shouldn't be one of them. Fear leads to hate-"

"I know, it's a step on the path to the dark side." She exhaled slowly, then moved up beside him on the rampart and stared out into the darkness. The firelight flashed gold from her hair. "They had me once, and I don't want to be their prisoner again. I couldn't stand it, I just couldn't."

"They don't make a good impression on their guests, do they?"

"No." She turned to look at him, half her face hidden in shadow. "I wish I could be brave like you. You joke about being a guest."

"It's joke or cry, Danni." Jacen leaned forward on the breastwork. "You know being brave really isn't that much of a trick. Most of the time courage is just ignorance of what's really going on. I didn't have time to be scared, and you didn't really, either, when we were escaping. You weren't, then, when it counted."

"But I am now. I just feel fear everywhere. It's all over."

Jacen slowly nodded. "There's a lot of fear in the camp, yes, and some out there." He pointed into the darkness. "You can probably feel it. It's a weird buzzing in the Force. Uncle Luke and I learned to associate it with Yuuzhan Vong slaves. The Yuuzhan Vong do something to their slaves. I'm assuming that whatever troops they send against us, the first wave will be slaves of some sort. They will be expendable and let the Yuuzhan Vong test their methods against us without killing too many Yuuzhan Vong warriors."

"Do you think we will win?"

He shrugged. "I don't see that we have a choice. I could say yes, but if I'm wrong, we'll not be around to discuss it."

Danni raised an eyebrow. "No hint of the future through the Force?"

"No, and I'm not sure I'd believe it if there was one." Jacen sighed heavily. "I don't know what to think. Two weeks ago I thought that the only way for me to reach my true potential as a Jedi was to retreat, become a hermit, work on my connection with the Force. Now I see that there is a need for me as a Jedi to help people. I can't tell you how good it felt to be able to save Mara and Anakin. Out there the Jedi might be held in contempt, but here the few of us are being looked upon as saviors. When my uncle wanders through the camp, you can feel pride and hope swell. There are kids using sticks and making a buzzing sound as they duel with mock lightsabers. It may just be people grasping at any hope in so dark a time, but being able to provide that hope makes me feel good."

"So you accept that a Jedi has responsibility beyond his relationship with the Force?"

"I'd not thought about it in exactly those terms, no, but I guess I'd have to answer yes." He shifted his shoulders uneasily. "Still, I wonder if I'd somehow had a stronger relationship with and understanding of the Force, I'd have been able to know where my vision went wrong. Uncle Luke says the future is constantly in motion, so the vision might have been correct right up to the point when it wasn't because of something someone else did. If it had gone right, we might not have been here and able to save Mara or Anakin, so I have no argument with how things turned out. Still..."

"Still, you want to have a better grasp on the Force. If it is the path you are to follow, you want to learn how the trail is blazed."

Jacen turned toward her and smiled. "I guess that's it, yes."

Danni nodded, then coiled a strand of blond hair around a finger. "Perhaps that path you seek is just like the future, constantly in motion. Perhaps this stretch demands you provide hope to these people, and another will let you go off on your own. When you come to a decision point, you can leave off one path and head out on another. Only your past experience can guide you."

"Yeah, and I don't have that much experience, do I?" Jacen shook his head. "It sounds as if you've thought a lot about the Force."

"Not the Force, just life. I've had to choose courses, too. We all do. I could have stayed on Commenor, gotten married, had children, but instead I applied to the ExGal Society and got posted to Belkadan. If I survive this ordeal, perhaps I will get the chance to revisit that sort of decision."

Jacen felt the hint of a flush on his cheeks. "You want to get married and have children?"

"If the right man comes along, it's possible, yes." She shrugged. "With all that's going on, I don't really know if I can trust my emotions. Gratitude, fear, curiosity-all these things are mixed up in me."

"But there is no one you are seeing?" Jacen felt the question hang in the air for a second, then crash down all leaden to the ground. He knew it was ridiculous for a woman five years older than he was to even give him a second glance, but...She did say I was handsome... Still, she sees me as a boy, I'm sure...

"Romance was pretty much a part of my life that I'd deferred until later. Perhaps later is now, I don't know." She gave him a smile. "Were you a bit older, or me a bit younger, and circumstances altogether different, I don't know. I mean, I have feelings for you, Jacen, but they're all mixed up with everything. You're so thoughtful, bringing me the holographs and mementos from Belkadan. You can't know how that made me feel..."

"With all that's going on, you don't trust your feelings?"

Danni nodded. "Liquids under pressure don't boil when they should, and emotions tend to act the opposite way. I think you are wonderful, and I treasure you as a friend. Anything else, well, as you said, the future is constantly in motion."

Jacen felt a twinge of hurt. Growing up at the academy, he'd certainly had his share of crushes on other students, but Danni was the first woman he'd been attracted to outside of that setting. He agreed that having been pressed into close quarters with her in a rescue capsule had certainly gotten them acquainted with a degree of physical intimacy that wasn't usually associated with first meeting someone. He'd entertained his fantasies about her, but also realized they were as much tied up with the traditional romance of a hero saving a damsel in distress as they were anything else.Reliving how my father met my mother...

Her gaze searched his face. "I've hurt you, haven't I?"

"Jedi Knights do not know pain, Danni." Jacen gave her a brave smile. "In times like this, a friend trulyis a treasure. Given what is going on here, and with my life and yours, being friends is probably the best thing possible for us."

She reached up and stroked his right cheek with her left hand. "That's a very mature answer, Jacen. You're very special indeed."

"Thanks, my friend." Jacen sighed and turned to focus on the darkness. "Friends tend to bring the best out in me."


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发表于 2013-2-17 18:24 | 显示全部楼层



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