战斗力 鹅
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注册时间 2020-6-27
Steam Deck Anti-Cheat Update
Hello, here's a quick update on anti-cheat.
Our team has been working with Epic on Easy Anti-Cheat + Proton support over the last few months, and we're happy to announce that adding Steam Deck support to your existing EAC games is now a simple process, and doesn't require updating game binaries, SDK versions, or integration of EOS. Alongside our BattlEye updates from last year, this means that the two largest anti-cheat services are now easily supported on Proton and Steam Deck.
If your title uses EAC or BattlEye, you can find instructions for enabling Proton support in the partner documentation here.
Related to this, we're going to start submitting Deck Verified test data for tested titles that use anti-cheat middleware on Monday, January 24th
. As with all other Deck Verified reviews, when the test data is submitted you'll receive an email notification and access to detailed Deck Verified data on the landing page for your game. Once this happens, you'll have one week to choose to publish the test data as-is or submit a new build for review, after which the data will automatically publish.
For partners who are able to complete the EAC/BattlEye steps, that's great! Once your game is updated, please submit for a re-review and we'll update the compatibility data. Any tested games that don't enable EAC/BattlEye for Proton will temporarily have an Unsupported rating until they do.
That's it for today. We're very excited to be able to make this announcement as it means partners can continue to use their existing cheat prevention tools while adding support for more amazing games on Steam Deck. Please let us know in the forums if you have any questions.
大意是说valve会从1月24日,也就是下周一开始对有反作弊功能的游戏进行 deck verified 兼容性测试,当测试结果出来后,游戏的开发者有一周时间来决定是保留这个结果还是提交新版本来重新测试。
关注 deck 新闻的人都知道,去年 valve 与反作弊的公司合作,让这些工具能在 proton 下运行,最近又开始放出 deck verified 测试结果,前两天pcgamer问了valve相关的事情,valve回应说最近在进行少量测试,没意外的话一两周后会提升测试规模,这个公告算是提醒 deck verified 程序正式开始运行。
另外,这篇公告也算是对前段时间社区里面讨论的eac问题的回应。不久前某个游戏开发者抱怨说让 eac 反作弊在 proton 下运行没有像 epic 说得那么简单,大意是说 eac 有两个版本,一个是在 eac 被 epic收购前,发布的独立版本,另一个是被 epic 收购后集成了 eos(epic online service) 的版本,epic 宣布兼容了 proton 的是后者而非前者,所以对使用了前者的游戏来说,要么自己动手丰衣足食,要么换成集成了eos的版本。然后大家纷纷表示,真有你的啊 epic,在这藏了一手。显然 valve 找 epic 聊了聊,然后 epic 更新了兼容proton的非eos版eac,就有了公告里的 "and doesn't require updating game binaries, SDK versions, or integration of EOS."