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[讨论] 《星球大战》:卢克·天行者成为星战里古往今来武力最强

发表于 2012-9-14 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 11:34 | 显示全部楼层


























翻译人:卡兰坦斯 ”




使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 11:36 | 显示全部楼层















而这四个集中点中,最大的集中点就是 电影时期前后各几十年的时期 )


而卢卡斯偏又在《新绝地武士团》十九部曲系列宏篇小说里,给他送上了不死光环—— 当时卢卡斯为了推动《新绝地武士团》系列,表示允许作家杀个电影重要角色。结果一帮小说作家闻言后得意忘形,这个说杀了卢克、那个想杀汉、还有想把卢克莱娅汉仨都杀光的……结果卢卡斯看了要求后(我不知他是不是被这些作家给气着了),给的回答是,卢克、莱娅、汉这仨你们谁都别想动。于是最后,只允许杀了个丘巴卡了事 ——于是一个死不了的角色,还无限打怪刷BOSS,等级飞速提升也是很正常的了。

当然对于卢克的急剧升级,官方也想到了一个对应措施。这个对应措施的后果,是导致卢克武力一度被严重低估(这个包括曾经的我在内,检讨下 = = ),这个具体后面再说。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 11:38 | 显示全部楼层
































——《索龙三部曲III:最终指令》 ”



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 11:55 | 显示全部楼层



绝地大师乔洛斯·克暴斯(Jorus C’baoth),与其克隆体黑暗绝地大师乔洛兀斯·克暴斯



绝地大师乔鲁斯·瑟鲍思(Jorus C’baoth)——台版翻译是乔洛斯·克暴斯




而且神奇的是他持这种观点,竟一直没被绝地委员会踢出绝地武士团 = =



接待员放下电话,面带微笑看着面前的一男一女。“最高议长这就接见你,瑟鲍思大师 ,”她说。

“谢谢你,”绝地大师乔拉斯?瑟鲍思(Jorus C'baoth ) 说,他的声音透着寒气。

在他身后,罗拉娜·吉斯勒(Lorana Jinzler)暗自发憷。她师父很生气,在这种情况下她并不认为师父有错。但瑟鲍思没有必要和一个根本无权过问最高议长办公室发布的政令的低阶接待员争论,问题的关键在于帕尔帕庭。完全没有理由跟雇员发火。






















“我已经尽我所能帮助你,”帕尔帕庭提醒他。“你有你的六船连体崭新的无畏级战舰,直接从兰迪利星际驱动(Rendili stardrive)的流水线上完成。你有你想要的中央存储核心,还有连接各部分的涡轮电梯。你的机组人员和乘员正在小亚加(Yaga Minor)训练”





































Seated on his hotel room balcony, Doriana smiled down at the scene below him. The players had assembled, and it was time for the performance to begin.

Picking up his comlink, he keyed it on and punched in the proper activation code. Then, setting the comlink aside, he settled down to watch.

Even stretched out to the Force, Lorana's only warning was a burst of commotion at the leftmost edge of the marketplace, a sudden movement of shoppers as they scattered away from one of the booths. "Something's happening," she warned, pointing.

The words were barely out of her mouth when the booth erupted in a flash of light and a burst of smoke. "Watch out!" Obi-Wan barked, the snap-hiss of his lightsaber sounding behind her.

Lorana yanked out her own lightsaber, igniting it as she tried to pierce the expanding smoke cloud. As far as she could tell, nothing else seemed to be happening. "To the right!" Obi-Wan warned.

Lorana turned; and to her horror she saw a silvery cylinder streak out of another of the booths, flying a bare meter above the ground.

Coming straight toward them.

"I've got it," she said, jumping into its path and lifting her lightsaber into attack-3 position. Defense against incoming remotes was an exercise C'baoth had drilled her in for hour after wearying hour. Behind her, she sensed Obi-Wan moving back and to her right into backstop position. She settled her breathing, watching the missile approach, trying not to think about what would happen if her attack detonated the warhead . . .

It was nearly to her when, without warning, the front of the nose cone erupted into a cloud of sparkling smoke, and a cone of roiling black liquid sprayed out at her.

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, instinctively flinching to the side as she did so. She sensed the missile start to pass, and swung her lightsaber as hard as she could in that direction.

But her sidestep had put her off balance, and even as her blade sliced through the air she knew she was too late. Behind her, she heard the pitch of Obi-Wan's lightsaber change as he took his own shot at it. But the missile's roar changed as fresh thrusters kicked in, and as the heat of the missile's exhaust swept across her she could tell that he, too, had missed.

"Come on!" he shouted. A hand grabbed her arm, and suddenly they were running through the heat and dissipating smoke in the missile's wake. She blinked her eves open, ignoring the sting as the black liquid dribbled into them, to see the missile jinking back and forth down the wide central corridor like a droid seeking a target. Across the building at the far door she saw Anakin and Riske charging in from the other door, Anakin's lightsaber blazing in his hand, Riske's blaster firing uselessly. Letting go of Lorana's arm, Obi-Wan locked his lightsaber on and hurled it at the missile.

But even as the spinning green blade closed on it, the missile's nose dipped and it made a hard turn to the left. She could sense Obi-Wan stretching to the Force, trying to bring his lightsaber back on target. But she could also sense that he wouldn't be in time.

Which left only one thing they could do. Closing her eyes, she stretched out to the Force, turning her thoughts to her Master. Master C'baoth, she sent urgently toward the room beyond the archway. Danger. Danger. Danger. The missile disappeared through the archway, and she joined with the others in racing down the corridor after it. She caught up with Obi-Wan just as he reached the opening, and turned the corner with him.

And found herself confronted by an extraordinary sight.

Seated at opposite ends of the table, the mining and Corporate Alliance representatives had turned in their chairs to stare with a mixture of surprise, fascination, and terror at the missile that had intruded into their solemn proceedings. Between them, half risen from his own chair, C'baoth was holding a hand palm-outward toward the missile, his eyes blazing.

But the missile was no longer moving. It was frozen in midair, halfway between the archway and the table, its thrusters spitting fire uselessly as they tried to drive it forward against C'baoth's Force grip.

"Don't be concerned," the Jedi Master intoned, his voice resonating with power and authority. "So certain parties believe that they know best what is right and just for Barlok, do they? That killing us will bring them their desire? That the influence of violence supersedes the authority of justice?"

The thrusters gave a final sputter and fell silent, and still the missile hung in midair. "Thank you, Master C'baoth-" Obi-Wan said, starting toward the missile.

"Stand fast, Master Kenobi," C'baoth ordered sharply. "That is what our attackers believe, Magistrate Argente; Guild-master Gilfrome," he said, sending a hard look at each end of the table. "Do you believe it, as well?"

Argente found his voice first. "No, of course not," he said, his voice quavering, his eyes locked on the missile that had nearly brought a sudden and violent death to them all.

"Then why do you persist in eroding the legitimate rights of the people of Barlok?" C'baoth demanded. "And you," he added, turning back to Gilfrome's end of the table. "Why do you persist in denying the time and expense the Corporate Alliance has spent in developing resources that would otherwise have forever lain uselessly beneath the soil of your world?"

Gilfrome bristled. "Now, see here, Master C'baoth-"

"No, you see," C'baoth cut in, looking again at Argente. "Both of you see. I have listened to your arguments and your positions and your selfish pettiness. It ends here."

Deliberately, he closed his outstretched hand. With a raucous crackling of stressed metal, the body of the missile crumpled in on itself. "The people of Barlok demand a fair and just decision," he said, more quietly now as he gestured Obi-Wan forward. "I will tell you what that decision is going to be."

The room was silent as Obi-Wan stepped to the mutilated weapon, stretching out his hand to take its weight from C'baoth. Holding it in a Force grip in front of him, he turned and headed back toward the archway. Lorana looked a question at C'baoth, got a microscopic nod in return, and turned to go with Obi-Wan.

It was only then that she noticed Anakin standing beneath the archway, his eyes filled with admiration as he gazed across the room at C'baoth. "That's telling them," he murmured as she and Obi-Wan reached him.

"Come on," Obi-Wan said, his forehead wrinkling slightly as he looked at the boy. "Let's get this thing to the police disposal team."





























































































































































星光构成的线条一闪之后停了下来,恢复成原本的星辰 ,喷火兽号已经抵达了目标。





























































































星球大战论坛 Star Wars Forum里翻译的,对乔洛兀斯·克暴斯的官网介绍:

翻译:Tie pilot

Joruus C'baoth 乔鲁乌斯·瑟鲍思

(Of the original) Bortras



1.9 meters

Force lightning



When Grand Admiral Thrawn began his campaign to retake the Core from the New Republic, his master plan revolved around a trio of crucial discoveries: a cache of Spaarti cloning cylinders, a working cloaking shield, and the insane Dark Jedi clone, Joruus C'baoth.

It is not yet known how the Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth came to be cloned. The tell-tale side effects of mental instability and self-name mispronunciation indicate Joruus was the result of hasty Spaarti-based cloning. The last known whereabouts of the real Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth was aboard the ill-fated Outbound Flight mission to explore regions beyond the Republic's borders.

The original Jorus C'baoth was a well-regarded Jedi. Originally from Bortras, a world in the Reithcas sector, he added to his Jedi studies with an education from Mirnic University. After assuming the title of Jedi Master, C'baoth served the Republic by overseeing the demilitarization of the aggressive Aqualish. He helped settle an ascendency contention on Alderaan; C'baoth's delegation decreed that the Organa bloodline was the rightful heir to the viceroy title. The Jedi negotiated treaties between warring aliens, and was also a personal advisor to Senator Palpatine on Jedi-related matters.

Thrawn found the cloned C'baoth protecting the Emperor's secret storehouse on the planet Wayland. Clone madness made it difficult to decipher the truth behind C'baoth's origins. He maintained that he had killed the Guardian of the Emperor's vaults, and took his place ruling over the natives of Wayland. It is likely that C'baoth was the original Guardian, and the epic battle he recounted was but a product of his delusions.

Thrawn needed C'baoth to coordinate his military forces in much the same way Emperor Palpatine consolidated the fighting spirits of his followers through the Force. C'baoth was hesitant to join Thrawn's forces, but the crafty Grand Admiral promised him more Jedi to train -- namely, Luke Skywalker and his sister Leia Organa Solo. The Empire would capture and deliver the Force-strong Jedi siblings for C'baoth to mold and train as he saw fit.

C'baoth differed from Thrawn in his perceptions of power. While the Empire sought to exert control over distant worlds, C'baoth was content to rule over Wayland. He believed true power was enforcing his will over the citizenry he faced every day, and not governing remote and faceless planets. As Thrawn's repeated victories over the New Republic strengthened the Empire, C'baoth's ambitions grew. He would soon have dark and twisted designs of ruling over a revitalized Empire as Palpatine once had.

C'baoth was very powerful in the dark side of the Force. He could create deadly blue-white lightning from his fingertips, though his preferred use of his powers was imposing his will over others. In his service to Thrawn, C'baoth enhanced the coordination of the Imperial fighting forces, but that was just the start of his influential abilities. When desired, C'baoth could completely subjugate a victim's mind, forcing them to do his bidding.

Luke Skywalker heard rumors of C'baoth's reappearance, and followed these carefully planted leads to Jomark. Skywalker sought out a Jedi Master of old to supplement his training, but upon spending time with C'baoth, he recognized the elder Jedi's madness. The compassionate Skywalker thought he could heal C'baoth, bringing him back from the darkness of insanity. The clone's mental instabilities were too deep-rooted, and Skywalker was forced to flee C'baoth.

C'baoth grew increasingly frustrated with Thrawn's inabilities to deliver him a new Jedi apprentice. Once Thrawn had all his pieces in place for a push against Coruscant, the insane Jedi made his move. He returned to Mount Tantiss on Wayland, and killed the Imperial officer in charge of the new cloning operation there. C'baoth holed himself up in the storehouse. The clones generated by Thrawn were based on approximately 20 templates. This meant that C'baoth needed to learn to control only those 20 minds to be in command of his own army.

At this time, the New Republic had discovered Thrawn's cloning operation, and a strike team infiltrated Mount Tantiss. The team included Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, whom C'baoth saw as prospective students. When C'baoth realized he could not turn Luke to the dark side, he unleashed a terrible and twisted weapon: a clone of Luke Skywalker. C'baoth had ordered the clone grown from a sample of Skywalker's genetic material kept in the Mount Tantiss storehouse. Luke faced his mindless doppelganger, but it was Mara Jade who eventually killed Luuke Skywalker.

After the clone fell in combat, C'baoth let go of whatever tenuous grip he had on reality and self-control. His rage overtook him, charged by the dark side of the Force. A whirling tempest of anger and the Force, C'baoth dropped his guard, and Mara Jade struck him down.

Joruus C'baoth was a tall, lean and muscular man with unkempt gray hair and a long beard. He spoke in a powerful, baritone voice and had a surprisingly regal air to him despite his readily apparent madness.


In the story outline phase of developing Heir to the Empire, author Timothy Zahn first envisioned Joruus C'baoth to be an insane clone of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a remnant of the Clone Wars. When this direction was disapproved by Lucasfilm Ltd., Zahn created the character of C'baoth.














问题是这类话,他三本书里说了十几次 = =

He spoke in a powerful, baritone voice and had a surprisingly regal air to him despite his readily apparent madness.







And with a brilliant flash of laser fire, the whole scene seemed to blow up in front of her.

She had forgotten about the droid sitting up there in the X-wing. Apparently, C'baoth had forgotten about it, too.

"Skywalker?" she called, blinking at the purple haze floating in front of her eyes and wrinkling her nose at the tingling smell of ozone. "Where are you?"

"Over here by C'baoth," Skywalker's voice said. "He's still alive."

"We can fix that," Mara growled. Carefully picking her way across the steaming ruts the X-wing's laser cannon had gouged in the ground, she headed over.

C'baoth was lying on his back, unconscious but breathing evenly, with Skywalker kneeling over him.

"Not even singed," she murmured. "Impressive."

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 12:06 | 显示全部楼层




"I can unleash the dark side energies that are all around us, even to shatter the fabric of space itself. In this way, I have created storms."












随后的《绝地学院三部曲》小说里,大约30岁左右的卢克遭遇了《绝地传奇》系列最后一个大BOSS——当年以大西斯战争的战火点燃银河的传奇西斯尊主埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)的不死阴魂。
按照卢克后来给的模糊评价,埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)跟《黑暗帝国》版的帕尔帕廷大概同级别。

埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)献祭自己全部马萨西兵团的仪式:



虽然单从这场面看,埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)的表现远比跟《黑暗帝国》版帕尔帕廷强。


而30岁卢克除了面对Exar Kun阴魂外,还有被其附身的卢克学徒基普·达伦自身的力量(虽然基普·达伦远不如埃克萨·库恩。)

但是Exar Kun阴魂不是类似马卡·拉格诺斯那类死后产生的阴魂,而是身为活人时就主动献祭整支马萨西兵团而转化造就的不死阴魂——至少很多角色,包括达斯·普雷格斯等人都认为埃克萨·库恩这种阴魂是可以永存的。

因此在不针对阴魂弱点的纯粹原力拼斗中,完全可以认为认为卢克面对的Exar Kun阴魂,发挥出的力量不次于《绝地传奇》里的Exar Kun。

所以等于30岁卢克是在1VS2,虽然基普·达伦比Exar Kun差得太远太远。

(Exar Kun阴魂的餐具之处在于,轻松虐翻30岁卢克,把卢克扁得灵魂脱离肉体。

虽然那帮学徒有卢克的活体灵魂指点+Kun自己的绝地师父Vodo-Siosk Baas的英灵帮忙——话说Exar Kun和Vodo-Siosk Baas这师徒俩得有多大基情,才能纠缠这么多年啊。)




“The architecture had been designed as an angular funnel to concentrate the Force, assembled to enhance the powers of Sith rituals.”


我是没在哪部作品里看到绝地或西斯跑对方地盘里去打架砍人,仅仅被建筑造型影响得出现战力改变的事。反倒是有多次像 马尔加斯带人跑绝地圣殿砍人砍得很爽 这样跑对方地盘成功开杀的事,而且没见提到建筑造型有啥影响。




使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 12:17 | 显示全部楼层





后来卢克虽然不再恐惧,但对一切生命富有同情心的他,仍然不愿意对实力低的对手使用这过强的原力,同时又不愿意杀人。在这些性格的影响下——后来卢克在时不时的出现 与自己不留力能够轻松虐杀(甚至一个意念秒杀)的角色缠斗多时才取胜、甚至打平等情况。很典型的例子就是,《原力传承》里卢克对上老情人卢米娅和好外甥杰森·索洛时。

(为啥我想起某个叫克拉克·肯特的主 = = )


奥图怀疑地哔哔两声,一张清单出现在路克的感测镜中。两艘破烂的科瑞利安炮艇,一艘古旧但硕大的卡罗斯巡航舰,船首突兀地焊有一座一样古老的KDY a-4离子加农炮,以及五艘科塞尔级袭击战机。所有船舰形成包围队形,逼近两艘几公里前上方的中型运输舰。





霎时,他突然全身僵硬,呼吸冻结在喉头。映照著宇宙的黑暗,惨白而清晰的黯淡身影出现在他眼前,是白卜庭皇帝(Emperor Palpatine)与艾克萨·亢(Exar Kun),两者均为他曾面对过的黑暗势力大师。两人站在他的面前,回望他。

































使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 12:22 | 显示全部楼层












对于习惯通过原力预测未来感知变化,来提前预知到对手的行动、感知对手动向的绝地来说。面对这种无法预知也无法感知的敌人……可以想像成,把个正常人给蒙眼+塞耳后的情况吧 = =






(可以想像成拿拳头直接打别人,别人会很疼。但靠巴掌扇空气,别人最多感觉微风拂面 )














She owed her life to Jacen, and at one point had come close to falling in love with him. But as indebted to him as she was-and to Luke and the others, for allowing her to see and do things she might never have-she sometimes felt as if she had been conscripted into the Jedi order. Much as Jaina had been named the Sword of the Jedi, and much as Jacen was seen as almost emblematic of a new awareness of the Force, Danni saw herself as the would-be Jedi-part technical officer, part familiar. Spokesperson at Agamar-how proud her bureaucratic dad must have been-member of the Eclipse base team, reconnaissance agent on occupied Coruscant, and, for the better part of the past year, visitor on the living world of Zonama Sekot.

On her arrival, the planetary consciousness had used her in a counterfeit kidnapping plot, and only weeks earlier had used her as a resource for information about yammosks and dovin basals. And yet even after all she had been through, Danni had no true understanding of what she was really doing on Zonama Sekot, or why Sekot had specifically asked that she remain onworld, rather than accompany the Skywalkers and Solos to Coruscant. Perhaps Sekot merely wanted a would-be Jedi to bear witness to the end of the world. For what with the Sekotan fighters spiraling back down to the canyon-rim landing platform from which they had launched, and Zonama about to be poisoned by a vessel infected with Alpha Red, no other course seemed possible.

It was while stationed at Mon Calamari that she had first heard rumors of the Yuuzhan Vong-specific bioweapon. She had mentioned the rumors to Jacen and, for months following Vergere's theft of the prototype batch, had held herself partly responsible for much of what had happened. Ultimately she had learned that Vergere had actually overheard Luke and Mara discussing Alpha Red in private, and had acted on the knowledge. And now, all these months later, the Chiss-manufactured poison had found her again-though the end-of-the-war scenario for which it had been created had taken an ironic and tragic shift...

With most of the Ferroans secluded in the shelters, an eerie silence prevailed. To Danni, Zonama felt more adrift than when it had been lost in the Unknown Regions, and an autumnal spell had fallen over the tampasi. A few Sekotan fighters were already grounded. Corran, Kyp, Alema, and Zekk were waiting on the canyon-rim landing platform when the airship finally touched down. Everyone retreated to the shelter of the giant boras as plasma fire and windborne cinders rained down.

"Were you able to locate Sekot?" Kyp was first to ask.

"Sekot is everywhere," Jabitha told him.

Her dismay was evident, but her tone was sincere.

"Sekot is merely silent."

"Silence is one thing," Corran said, "but ignoring a threat is another."

He gestured overhead.

"Somewhere out there is a vessel that could end up killing this planet. Maybe not as quickly as Ithor died, but just as thoroughly."

The Magister compressed her lips.

"I'm certain Sekot is aware of the threat."

Alema blew out her breath in exasperation.

"We could try to reach Jade Shadow," she said, mostly to Kyp. "It's better suited to preventing the Alpha Red craft from going to ground."

"We can't simply blow the vessel to pieces," Cilghal said. "Not without risking sowing the atmosphere with poison. We have to trust that Sekot has reasons for taking the actions it did."

Kyp glanced at everyone in puzzlement.

"Why go to the trouble of creating ships if the aim all along was to surrender?"

"That wasn't the aim," Danni said. "None of us knew about the poisoned ship, so how could Sekot have known? As for why Sekot brought your fighters down, I have an idea-even though I hope I'm wrong."

"Say it anyway," Kyp said.

Danni glanced around.

"I think Sekot's goal is to allow the poison to reach the surface so that Zonama can contain it-to keep Alpha Red from being spread to the rest of the galaxy."

Corran shook his head slowly.

"I can't see Sekot martyring itself. Besides, what's to prevent any of us from spreading the toxin offworld by accident? Unless Sekot plans to keep us grounded, permanently."

"It's highly improbable that Alpha Red can be spread by human contagion," Cilghal said. "Early tests of the bioweapon support that. Kyp, Han, and Leia were already exposed at Caluula, and ruled out as potential carriers."

Corran's eyes darted about.

"What about Mon Calamarians, Cilghal? What about Chadra-Fans or Twi'leks-or Ferroans, for that matter?" He shook his head again. "I don't think Sekot would risk it."

"If Sekot had kept the fighters airborne, we could have at least held the Yuuzhan Vong back until everyone was evacuated," Zekk said.

"Is there any chance Sekot's planning to jump Zonama to hyperspace?" Kyp asked.

"The hyperdrive cores are as silent as Sekot," Jabitha said.

"Errant Venture might be able to evacuate everyone in time," Danni said.

"Sure, if we could reach Booster," Kyp said.

"But we're getting nothing on the comlinks."

"Sekot could be blocking the signals deliberately," Zekk said.

Jabitha turned to him.

"You're assigning dark designs to a consciousness that knows little or nothing of subversion. Next you'll be accusing Sekot of refusing to allow your warships to land on the surface, as a means of marooning you here."

"I'm only saying that Sekot strikes me as a quick learner," Zekk said.

"What makes you think that Sekot would wish to sabotage us?" Cilghal said.

Zekk shrugged.

"Only what I've been hearing about Sekot's belief in the Potentium. If there's no distinction between the light and dark sides, then it won't matter what happens here-or even at Coruscant."

"Sekot wouldn't have agreed to return from the Unknown Regions just to die here," Cilghal said firmly. "That would hardly be the action of a world that considers itself the caretaker of the Force."

"The self-appointed caretaker," Alema said.

Jabitha sucked in her breath in surprise, then looked at Danni.

"Danni Quee. Sekot wishes to speak with you."

Only the Force was keeping Jacen from succumbing to the pain-the Force and what he had learned from Vergere during the indeterminate amount of time she had kept him in the Embrace of Pain-breaking him. While under his mentor's tutelage he had been able to go into himself to meet the pain on its own terms. Now he didn't have that curious luxury, because he was having to call on all his abilities to keep from being killed. If not for the swaying of the Citadel and the effects of its unpredictable oscillations of Shimrra's coffer-his escape vessel-Jacen figured he would already be dead.

That was the World Brain, having finally decided which side it was on. The trouble was, that decision mattered only to the reshaping of Coruscant and not to the Supreme Overlord, who was clearly able to control objects in his immediate environment without need of the dhuryam. The slayers, for one thing.

Where initially they had been moving with individual vigilance and of their own accord, they were now moving as coralskippers did under the control of a battle coordinator. The change had come simultaneously with Shimrra's rising from the throne, and the escape of his Shamed One companion, whom Jaina had pursued into the summit of the Citadel.

Jacen knew that her exit had been prompted by something she had perceived through the Force, but he and Luke could have used her lightsaber now. Three slayers had Jacen backed to the bunker's outer wall. Even through his Vongsense he could not predict their actions, or where their thrashing and thrusting amphistaffs were going to strike next. He had managed to evade copious sprays of venom, but his torso had taken countless lashings; his limbs were bruised by the heads and coils of the serpentine weapons-though none had yet been successful in sinking fangs into him.

His lightsaber had returned as many blows, but the slayers seemed to be largely immune to pain, if not indestructible. A half dozen corpses were sprawled on the floor, sliding or rolling with each random cant of the Citadel. But more than the lightsaber, it was acrobatics that was keeping Jacen from being overwhelmed by the specially engineered warriors. Time and again last-moment leaps had carried him out of the range of their shapeshifting weapons, as the fight moved along the perimeter of the throne room.

The gravity-tweaking dovin basal set in the base of the throne made it impossible for Jacen or his opponents to venture closer to the throne than the shallow moat that encircled it without being tugged violently to the yorik coral floor. Jacen took advantage of the gravitic anomaly now, as one of the slayers lunged for him. He leapt high into the air, and the warrior flew under his feet, only to be pulled to the floor facefirst, so that by the time Jacen had twisted in the air and landed he was able to drive his blade into the small of the warrior's back, almost pinioning him to the floor.

The other two immediately rushed him from behind. Unleashing his amphistaff, one warrior managed to wind the weapon around Jacen's legs, while the other swung his amphistaff at Jacen's head. Ducking the swing, Jacen leapt again, taking the attenuated amphistaff with him. Yanked from the warrior's grasp, the weapon unwound and dropped before it could strike.

Across the room Shimrra was moving stiffly toward Luke, who was being set upon by four warriors. The enormous Vong overlord stepped across the moat as if crossing a final line. Seemingly entranced-in sway of the Yuuzhan Vong gods-he fixed his glowing eye implants on his prey. He held the thick-bodied amphistaff diagonally in front of him, with his giant left hand closed around the middle of the weapon's three-meter-long body.

Jacen sent a warning to his uncle through the Force, which Luke acknowledged-not only through the Force but also by spinning away from the warriors to provide himself with enough fighting room to confront Shimrra. Whirling through a cartwheel, Luke caught one of the warriors on the chin with the heels of his boots, unbalancing him enough so that Luke could get inside the arm that held the amphistaff and drive his lightsaber through the warrior's neck. As he quickly withdrew the blade, a second warrior was ready to pounce; Luke stretched out his left hand and impaled the slayer through the right eye.

At once the other two converged on him, battering him with their amphistaffs and coufees, opening ragged wounds in his upper arms and chest. Abruptly, the Citadel rocked and the room tilted to the right. Luke dropped to one knee, holding his lightsaber arm up to protect his head, then dived, somersaulting on landing and spinning to his feet to face the warriors' charge. His green blade moved up from the floor in a diagonal motion, cutting off the weapon arm of one of the warriors, then on the downswing grated across the abdomen of the second, leaving a sizzling burn in the slayer's hardened flesh. Wincing, the warrior tried to take hold of the energy blade itself and fell forward on his knees. Luke pierced him through the chest, then pivoted on one foot to take on the others.

One of the warriors stalking Jacen abandoned him to engage Luke. Jacen moved against the others, the shorter of whom feigned a strike at Jacen's right leg, then twirled the amphistaff in his hands and slammed the tail end of it into Jacen's right cheek. Reeling from the blow, he staggered within range of the dovin basal, which dragged him to the floor on his back.

The short warrior hurried in, his weapon striking at Jacen like a serpent, then stiffening, jabbed him hard in the left forearm, as if to stake the arm to the floor. Jacen twisted out from under the attack, grasping that Luke had again been pressed to the wall. Having killed three of his assailants, he was facing only one opponent, but his energy was beginning to flag. It was not fatigue born of fear of going to the dark side, but simple exhaustion, and Shimrra was moving in. Eager to award the kill to the Supreme Overlord, the slayer closest to Luke turned and ran at Jacen with his amphistaff held overhead like an ax, intent on splitting open his victim's forehead.

Jacen could feel Luke call deeply on the reservoir that was the Force. From Luke's left hand gathered a blinding tangle of energy manipulated into being by the raw power of the Force. As if hitting an invisible wall, the warrior stopped short, then spasmed as green sparks began to coruscate around him. Enveloped, he fell like a tree. Still twisting and writhing away from the snapping amphistaff, Jacen used his Vongsense to dampen the effect of the dovin basal, allowing him to move out of its gravitic field and get to his feet. His short opponent howled in outrage and whipped the amphistaff.

Jacen allowed it to coil around his body; then, as the warrior was reeling the weapon in, Jacen hurled his lightsaber deep into the slayer's armpit. The bunker inclined, sending Jacen directly toward Shimrra. Without thinking-and without his lightsaber-he lunged for the neck of the towering Yuuzhan Vong. But Shimrra perceived Jacen's intent, and threw his mighty right arm behind him. Jacen was hit squarely in the center of the chest. Dropping to the floor, he blacked out.

When he came to an instant later, he saw that Luke had obviously intercepted Shimrra's follow-up blow. But now, monstrous in aspect and power, Shimrra hovered over Luke like a rancor. Luke's lightsaber thrummed through the air, but Shimrra refused to be kept at bay. Luke tried to Force-leap out of reach, but the Supreme Overlord had him caged.

The master of defense is one who is never in the place that is attacked, Jacen recalled Vergere saying. Shimrra appeared to have learned the same lesson. Lunging, the thick, three-meter-long amphistaff wound itself around Luke's torso, pinning his right arm and lightsaber hilt to his side, the green blade aimed at the floor. Just in time, Luke managed to get his left hand gripped on the snake's uppermost coils and the head as it loosed volumes of venom at him. But Luke was rapidly being squeezed to death by the amphistaff.

Feeling his uncle's suffocation in his own crushed chest, Jacen summoned his strength and crawled frantically for his lightsaber. Calling it to his right hand, he sent it hurtling through the air at Shimrra's head. The Supreme Overlord raised his left hand in a parry; then, with Jacen's lightsaber spinning off toward the throne, he reached into the folds of his hide cape-and extracted a lightsaber!

With a flourish, he activated it. A violet blade shot forth with the familiar snap-hiss. Jacen recognized it immediately. Anakin's lightsaber.

"Weapon of the Solo we killed at Myrkr," Shimrra said, his eyes shifting through colors as the energy shaft thrummed: "Conveyed to Yuuzhan'tar by the traitor Vergere, wielded by the Jeedai Ganner against so many of my warriors, retrieved when he died and brought to me, and now yours to confront. So that you may know what my warriors experience at Zonama Sekot, forced to fight against other living vessels."

Jacen was too stunned to respond; too disheartened to move. Shimrra waved the blade close to Luke's head. Luke removed his left hand from the amphistaff's throat to grab Shimrra's right wrist. The serpentine weapon immediately stiffened and plunged itself into the left side of Luke's chest.

Luke screamed in pain.

The Supreme Overlord reared back to gloat: "One thrust and the deed is done!"

Then all at once, Anakin's lightsaber flew from Shimrra's grip into Luke's left hand. Through his Vongsense, Jacen could feel Shimrra's astonishment and dismay. In a motion almost too swift for Jacen's eyes to follow, Luke slit the throat of Shimrra's amphistaff.

As its coils began to relax, he sliced his own lightsaber blade upward, cutting the amphistaff's body into segments. As a horrified Shimrra leaned forward, as if to vise his huge hands around Luke's neck, Luke crossed the blades and shoved them upward toward Shimrra's neck.

The blades burned clean through. Shimrra's decapitated head dropped to the floor with a loud thud! and his body crumbled. Luke hauled himself out from under the Supreme Overlord's body and collapsed against the wall.

"Jaina," he said weakly. Swinging his left hand, he sent Anakin's lightsaber in a high arc across the room. Jacen scrambled to his feet and had just started for the lightsaber when the floor dropped to the right and he stumbled. Jacen regained his balance and leapt for the lightsaber, but it flew past him and rolled beyond his reach.

The vision! Jacen thought. He looked at his uncle for confirmation.

"Leave it," Luke said.

Lips compressed in determination, Jacen raised himself from the floor and raced for the stairway that curved up into the Citadel's towerlike summit.






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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 12:30 | 显示全部楼层







But this time, Luke was ready. He placed his own hand in front of Raynar's and rooted himself in the heart of the Force, and when he did that, he became the very essence of the immovable object. Nothing could dislodge him-not one of Lando's asteroid tuggers, not the Megador's sixteen ion engines, not the black hole at the center of the galaxy itself.


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 12:44 | 显示全部楼层







The darkness was eternal, all-powerful, unchangeable.

She stared into it, unblinking and unafraid. She was determined that it would not claim her. She had resisted it these many years. She would resist it forever, never despairing.

It was unchangeable, but change would take place. The Force said so.






Fold space

Fold space was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to bend space to instantly transport an object between places. This form of teleportation was used by the Aing-Tii, a mysterious species living on a planet in the Kathol Rift. This technique allowed the wielder to use the Force to teleport any object or possibly one self from one place to another.
In 43.5 ABY, when Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker, visited the Aing-Tii homeworld, Luke was taught the technique by Tadar'Ro. Abeloth utilized this ability while battling an allied force of Sith and Jedi in 44 ABY.

Behind the scenes
Fold space first appeared as an unnamed Force power in the 1998 novel Vision of the Future, written by Timothy Zahn. It was first identified as "Fold space" in the Jedi Academy Training Manual, a supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, that was released on May 19, 2009







The fountain was not just tainted with dark side power, it was imbued with it-as if it were rising up from some deep-buried reservoir of dark side energy that had been building, preparing to blow for not just millennia, but since the beginning of time itself.

The Font of Power was clearly a dark side nexus, and Ryontarr, at least, would understand what that meant. Such nexuses arose as a result of any number of events-all of them bad. Perhaps a powerful user of the dark side had once lived in the valley-or merely been killed there.

Luke gasped and tried to back away, only to discover that he was pulling the vaporous thing along with him. To his astonishment, it appeared to be female, with a large, full-lipped mouth so broad that it reached from ear to ear. Her stubby arms protruded no more than ten centimeters from her shoulders, and in place of fingers, her hands had writhing tentacles so long that they hung down past the rim of the basin.

She was in there, the same familiar presence that had reached out from the Font of power. Luke could feel her in the damp gloom ahead, calling him inside like a lover in need of a visit. But she was hungry and desperate, all appetite and insistence, and he worried that to answer her call was to be devoured by it.




(居然有人评价阿贝妈这方面像金闪闪 = =
虽然这形容某种程度上很贴切,但是……对于这种会使卢克对应变军刀、达斯·克雷特对应变土狼的评价,咱是坚决予以反对 )








问题是,克雷特到底开了什么外挂才能遇战疯战争里变西斯,然后短短二十年前后的时间就飙升到《绝地的命运》里的程度啊 = = ?)






Luke rose out of his body with a jolt, then hung floating above it, staring at the underside of the bunk above. A week passed, or maybe it was a second-he had no idea. Time had no existence outside the body. A heartbeat lasted a week, a lifetime flashed by in an instant. But Luke Skywalker remained, a manifestation of Force essence that embodied mind and form, more real than the material husk he had left strapped in the bunk below.

He exhaled, or imagined himself exhaling, and his connection to his body grew more tenuous. There is no life, there is only the Force. It was the code of the Mind Walkers, an assertion that the corporeal was illusion, that a living being was nothing but a luminous swirl in the Force. And perhaps they were right.

Luke exhaled again, and a purple radiance appeared above, shining down through the crude matter of the upper bunk as though it were a hologram. He reached, and the light came flooding in, filling him with a calm as deep as space. He became the Force, and the Force became him, and he knew only the pure, eternal joy of existence.

Luke called to mind a lake he had once visited, a narrow mountain lake nestled between a granite dome and a boulder-strewn meadow with hummocks of knee-high moss, and he started to walk. Whether the journey took a week or an instant was impossible to say. But then he was there, standing on the shore of the Lake of Apparitions, looking across its still, black waters toward the silver mists that concealed the far end.

There was no silhouette floating in the fog, no half-hidden woman beckoning him onward. Abeloth was nowhere to be seen.

Of course she wasn't. Luke was the one looking for a fight, not Abeloth. She was too busy trying to create her divine family, to transform Ben and Vestara into a twisted version of the Son and the Daughter who had once kept the Balance in the Force. The last thing Abeloth wanted now was to face Luke in a final combat that she just might lose.

But the choice wasn't hers.

Luke stepped into the water and began to wade forward. He did not make any sloshing sounds or disturb the dark surface as he moved. Soon, the hummocks and boulders along the shore began to cast reflections not of themselves, but of the faces of the dead-Wookiees, Barabels, humans, a hundred other species. Their eyes all seemed to be watching Luke as he passed, sometimes showing disappointment when his features did not turn out to be those of a loved one, often lighting in recognition and curiosity as they realized they were looking on the Grand Master of the new Jedi Order.

Many of the faces Luke saw belonged to old friends-Ganner Rhysode, Numa Rar, Tresina Lobi, and a dozen others-but he continued by them without pause. During his four decades as a Jedi, Luke had lost a hundred good friends and more acquaintances than he could count, and he was certain they would understand if he did not have time to stop and greet them all.

Finally, he came to the face he had been looking for-a slender female face framed by auburn hair, with high cheekbones, full lips, and large green eyes. It watched Luke approach with longing, and with growing concern. He stopped beside her and squatted on his heels, waiting for her face to float to the surface, wishing that he were not in such desperate need of the help he was about to request.

As soon as her face broke the surface, she raised her brow and said, "We can't keep meeting like this, Skywalker."

Luke smiled despite himself. "Last time, I promise," he said. "Mara, I need your help."

"There's not much I can do for you anymore," Mara said, looking more disappointed than sorry. "You know that."

"Can you help me draw Abeloth out?"

Mara studied him in silence for a moment, then shook her head. "You can't kill her, Luke. She's one of the Old Ones."

"It doesn't matter what she is," Luke said, more sternly than he had intended. "She's taken Ben."

Mara's eyes went wide, but she said nothing.

Instead it was a scornful voice to Luke's left that spoke. "How did you let that happen?"

Luke turned to find Jacen Solo's gaunt face peering out of the dark waters. "We were trying to stop the cataclysm you caused."

Jacen's lip curled into a sneer. "You Jedi never tire of blaming the Dark Lord for your own failings, do you?"

"My failings have nothing to do with this," Luke said. "You're the one who set Abeloth free."

"Me?" Jacen scoffed. "I was dead."

"Thuruht says you did it when you changed the future," Luke explained. "They say that's how Abeloth is always freed."

Jacen began to look less certain of himself. "Who's Thuruht?"

"The oldest Killik hive," Luke explained. "The one that helped build Centerpoint Station and imprisoned Abeloth the last time she escaped."

"Then you should be talking to Thuruht, not Mara and me," Jacen replied, growing haughty again. "There's nothing we can do. We're dead."

Luke turned back to Mara. "I just need to know her weak points, or how to find her in the Mists of Forgetfulness," he said. "Anything that will help me stop her before she...before she does something terrible to Ben."

Mara's eyes grew glassy with sorrow. "Luke...Jacen is telling the truth this time," she said. "We can't help you."

I can. It was a voice that Luke felt rather than heard, a darkness that pulled at him from behind. And I will.

Luke turned to find the form of a shadow-wrapped human approaching from the shore by which Luke had entered the water, the same shore by which all mortals came to the Lake of Apparitions. The silhouette was tall and broad-shouldered, with a head hooded in darkness and glowing eyes that never seemed to match colors, that went from brown to orange and yellow to blue, that sometimes grew dark as ebony and seemed to be not there at all. As the silhouette drew nearer, it began to resemble a man Luke had seen many years before, a man who had appeared only in his dreams-and always shortly before he awoke feeling uneasy and frightened.

Luke glanced back at Mara, then said, "It's him."


"The man I kept seeing in my dreams, before Jacen turned Sith."

Mara looked confused. "But the man in your dreams was Jacen."

"I thought so," Luke replied. "Who else could it have been?"

He turned back to the figure and saw that the cloaking shadows had coalesced into a suit of dark, spiked armor. The newcomer's right arm seemed a mere ghost, as though he had only a holographic projection where there should have been a limb. And his left eye had become an empty white circle that looked more like a window into another universe than an actual organ. His face was weathered and chiseled, though-with a web of tattoos radiating outward from an angry gaze and deeply etched scowl-he could not be considered handsome. He stopped three paces away and stood staring, as though trying to decide whether to attack Luke or speak to him.

"You," Luke said. It was the man with the tattooed face-the one who had been behind Luke's team in the Manarai Heights Spaceport, and who had later disarmed Yaqeel Saav'etu near Fellowship Plaza. "Who are you?"

"No one whose help you want," Jacen said. "That's the dark man I saw on the Throne of Balance."

"And the only one who can help you," the stranger said. "With the Ones gone, there is only one way to stop Abeloth...Jedi and Sith together."

Luke studied the stranger without answering for a moment, trying to imagine him without the scowl. The man was hardly ugly, but he certainly did not share the Lost Tribe's usual obsession with careful grooming and good looks. And the tattoos were unusual, too. Vestara had claimed that while the Lost Tribe enjoyed painting their bodies with decorative vor'shandi markings, they would never defile themselves with permanent ink. Of course, she might have been lying-it certainly wouldn't have been the only time-but Luke couldn't see how that would have benefited her.

At last, Luke said, "I recognize your face. You've been watching the fight on Coruscant."

"And that surprises you?" the stranger asked. "What happens on Coruscant shapes the fate of the entire galaxy. Of course we are watching. We are always watching."

"Which is how you know so much about Abeloth," Luke surmised. "You have a spy."

"What makes you think there is only one?" the stranger said. "We Sith are legion...as you now know."

Luke shook his head. "If you were Lost Tribe, your appearance would be more refined. And you wouldn't have tattoos."

"Too much talk, Master Skywalker," the stranger said, stepping past Luke. "I came to fight. Let us find her."

Luke turned to follow-and there she was, a gray silhouette just emerging from the Mists of Forgetfulness, her long saffron hair cascading almost down to the water, her tiny pinpoint eyes shining out of sockets as deep as wells.

Luke's hand dropped to his hip, automatically reaching for a lightsaber that did not exist beyond shadows. He tried to continue the motion and bring it up to deliver a blast of Force energy, but Abeloth had already launched her own attack by then, delivering a bolt of Force lightning that blasted straight through the stranger into Luke. He felt himself fly backward, consumed by pain, his entire being a column of blue, crackling Force flame.

* * *


The white points at the bottom of Abeloth's eyes flared into nests of blue lightning, which kept growing larger and flashing brighter until they finally spilled out of the sockets to engulf her whole head. Luke hurled another blast of Force energy in her direction, then braced himself to take the most devastating counterattack yet. The counterattack never came.

Instead, the Force blast rocked Abeloth up on one leg, where she hung teetering over the Lake of Apparitions for a thousand heartbeats. Luke's chest was a searing ache around a fist-sized scorch hole, and his Force essence was bleeding out from a dozen smaller wounds, leaving a crescent of twinkling light spread across the dark water. He sprang anyway.

Abeloth only seemed to sag, and it appeared that she might tumble into the water in the eternity it was taking to reach her. But that would have been too easy. Luke and the Sith stranger had been hurling Force attacks at her for a lifetime-or perhaps it was a mere eyeblink-and this was the first time she had shown any reaction.

Then Luke was there at Abeloth's side, stomp-kicking her legs, knife-handing her throat, grabbing for her head. It was like cotton striking gauze-no popping ligaments or crunching cartilage, just Force essence pushing into Force essence. But the damage was done. Luke's foot went through Abeloth's knee; her leg buckled. His hand sank into her larynx, and she drew back wheezing.

He pivoted around behind her, swinging one arm around her shoulder and grabbing for her chin, slipping the other arm up under hers and pressing his wrist into her neck. But grappling was different beyond shadows. There were no pressure points or joint locks or choke holds, only his presence merging with hers, binding him to her in a writhing knot of energy.

Tentacles began to lash at his face, probing for his nose and ears and mouth. A pair of gray tips shot into view, blurring and growing large. Luke closed both eyes and turned away, but not quickly enough. The right eye socket exploded in pain, and everything went dark on that side of his head.

The tattooed stranger stepped in from the left, then slid to the front and drove his stiffened fingers deep into the pit of Abeloth's stomach. A black spray erupted from the wound, and she writhed in pain as the stranger probed for something to grab.

Abeloth loosed a Force blast, trying to drive the stranger off. He held tight. So did Luke, and all three went tumbling across the lake in a snarled mass of limbs and tentacles.

Then Luke felt an icy twinge between his shoulder blades. The twinge became a sting, and he began to feel something cold flowing down the center of his back. His first thought was Abeloth, that she had sunk a tentacle into his spine-until the lashing of her tentacles slowed and she began to shudder.

Luke did not understand until an eternity later, when the stranger rolled up on his feet and jerked them all to a halt. The Sith seemed to be growing stronger as Abeloth grew weaker, and there were wisps of dark fume swirling off his shoulders and head. It did not take a Jedi Grand Master to understand that Luke was being betrayed by a Force-draining technique.

Still holding Abeloth tight, Luke shifted his hips, rolling them both onto their sides, and kicked a foot through the stranger's knee. The joint buckled, and the Sith dropped onto the surface of the dark water, still on the opposite side of Abeloth from Luke.

"I'll release her!" Luke warned.

"Abeloth?" The stranger shook his head. "Never."

Despite the Sith's words, the cold stinging inside began to subside, and Luke realized the stranger was not pulling as hard. Abeloth continued to struggle, slipping a pair of tentacles around Luke's throat and trying to tear herself free. But she was growing weak faster than Luke.

The draining seemed to continue for days; then the stranger threw back his head and screamed in anguish, and it suddenly seemed that only a breath had passed. Shiny black Force energy began to pour from the Sith's wounds into the lake, spreading outward around them in an oily slick so hot the water began to steam and hiss. Still, the stranger continued to drain Abeloth, and Luke realized that he was not being betrayed-the Sith was suffering as much damage from the attack as was Luke.

Abeloth whipped her chin free of Luke's hand, ripping the energy knot where they had joined and sending a sparkling line of both of their Force essences splattering across the surface of the lake. She began to roll her head around, gnashing and spitting, trying to sink her fangs into Luke's arm or the stranger's-anything she could reach.

Luke slipped his arm down around her throat and pulled hard, merging his form into hers, doing his best to keep her under control.

"Keep going," Luke urged the stranger. "Pull harder!"


Abeloth lay tangled in Luke's arms, a writhing mass of Force energy that had suddenly gone limp a second or a day ago, only to explode an hour or a nanosecond later into a flailing tempest that had sent them all rolling and bouncing across the Lake of Apparition's dark waters. The stranger was tumbling with them, his hand still buried in Abeloth's chest, now wailing in agony as gleaming black Force energy steamed from his wounds.

They bounced so close to the shore, Luke grew worried that Abeloth was trying to carry them away from the lake into some new place beyond shadows. And then what? His back hit the water again, and he spun them all around so that his feet were toward the shore. He planted his feet against a moss hummock and kicked off-and sent them all somersaulting back toward the center of the lake. Abeloth stopped struggling and seemed to shrink in his arms, and Luke dared to think that maybe, just maybe she had finally lost hope, that they had exhausted her to the point that she was no longer capable of fighting.

Then she was gone, leaving the stranger and Luke with nothing between them but twenty centimeters of space and the stump of the Sith's hand, now pointed at Luke's chest and still drawing Force energy, draining it not from Abeloth now, but directly from Luke.

They stayed like that for an eternity, a void of cold nothingness growing inside Luke as the stranger continued to hang in the air above, draining him. It seemed to Luke that the Sith's betrayal was premature, that they at least ought to make certain Abeloth was truly dead before they turned to fighting each other...but that was not the way Sith did things.

Luke started to bring his hand up, intending to hit the stranger with a Force blast. But before he could loose it, the Sith's feet dropped to the water's surface, and he raised his stump and pointed toward the far end of the lake.


Luke craned his neck and saw Abeloth's silhouette backing into the Mists of Forgetfulness-with the stranger's wrist still protruding from her chest.

"Stop her!" Luke yelled. "If she disappears into that fog..."

Luke left the sentence unfinished as a fountain of oily black Force energy erupted from the protruding wrist. Abeloth's mouth gaped open, and her piercing shriek broke over the lake, reverberating across the water like a clap of thunder. Luke glanced over and saw the stranger standing beside him, pointing in her direction, using the Force to draw his missing hand back toward its stump.

Abeloth did not come dancing in to counterattack, did not even try to stand off defensively and weaken them with a blast of Force lightning. She did not have time for such tactics. Luke doubted she would have fled the battle in the first place if she were not already dying, and with her Force essence gushing out of her like a geyser, she had to attack now.

And she did.

In the next thought Abeloth was simply there in front of the stranger, driving a ball of tentacles deep into him. Luke sprang forward to help-and felt a blistering iciness slide deep into his own chest. His entire right side flared into cold anguish, and the tentacles began to dig and grab, tearing him apart inside in a way no lightsaber or blaster ever could.

Luke attacked anyway, driving an elbow strike into the side of her head. As before, there was no crunching, no physical sense of impact, only Force energy plowing through Force energy, sending waves of pain and damage rolling through them both. Luke sensed his elbow come free as it pushed out the other side of Abeloth's head. Then she simply fell away, her still-balled tentacles tearing free of both Luke and the stranger...each clutching a handful of dripping, pulsing Force essence.

The stranger collapsed with a gaping hole in his chest. Luke felt his own form grow limp and weak, and he sensed his mouth falling open to scream, then his whole body was falling, weak and aching for breath.

Jaina had heard death screams many times before, on battlefields from Anthus to Zelaba, and they had one thing in common: death screams always contained as much surprise as pain, as much anger and disbelief as sorrow. It was as though men meeting a violent end could never quite believe what was happening, that they had finally met a fighter who was better and luckier than they were. Or maybe it was death itself they were cursing, angry at how it preferred to cheat great warriors of their lives rather than take them in a fair fight. Jaina couldn't be sure of the feelings behind the scream, but she knew one thing for certain-a death scream was always raw and loud.

And that was the kind of scream she had just heard from the Rude Awakening's medbay, where Luke had strapped in his body before he went beyond shadows.


Chapter Thirty-Three

The Lake of Apparitions was neither warm nor cold, still nor roiling. It simply was, beyond time and sensation, beyond fear or desire or duty. It embodied surrender and attainment, death and immortality, and Luke had never felt more ready to slip below its dark surface and join his beloved Mara, to wrap himself in her liquid embrace and let the Depths of Eternity wash away the anguish of his wounds, the ache of his lonely despair.

But something would not let him sink.

He lay on the water for a year or a minute, hurt and exhausted, watching Abeloth's pale form vanish. Her eyes were empty and dark, her tentacles curled into loose balls. Her golden hair was fanned about her head in a floating halo, and she did not seem to be sinking so much as merely shrinking. Luke continued to watch as she dwindled to the size of a thigh, a foot, a finger, then a mere sliver that seemed to hang below him, wavering and flickering, before it finally slipped from sight.

And still Luke did not sink. He was too weak to rise, and he could feel nothing of himself except the aching void Abeloth had torn in his chest. It occurred to him that he might well be dying, and it was not a thought that brought him any fear. Even if his life had not been as long as Yoda's, it had been a good one filled with close friends and much-loved family. He had been of some small service, at least, to his fellow sentient beings. And in the new Jedi Order, he had rekindled a light that had once gone out in the galaxy. He had few regrets for anything he had done, and if the time had come to let another Jedi carry the torch, he was ready.

"Not yet, Skywalker."

The voice was warm and familiar, and it came from beside Luke. He turned to find Mara's face breaking the surface of the water. Then he saw a hand gripping the back of his biceps and realized that she was floating beneath him, preventing him from sinking.

"Mara, it's okay," Luke said. "I'm ready. I want to be with you."

"Too bad." He felt his upper body rising as she tried to push him upward. "I don't want to be with you-not here, not yet."

"What?" Luke asked, feeling more confused than resentful. "Mara, I'm wounded???...???badly. Abeloth took something out of me."

"She wounded him, too." Mara's other hand rose out of the water and pointed past Luke's head, toward the tattooed Sith who had helped Luke kill Abeloth. The stranger was on his feet, limping toward the far shore with both hands clutched to his chest. "If he can do it, so can you."

Luke forced himself to sit upright. The effort made his head spin and his whole being ache, but he refused to collapse back into the water. He had no idea of the Sith's true identity, but it did not seem wise to let him return to the physical galaxy alone.

"That's ridiculous. Their injuries may be different." This voice came from Luke's other side, sinister and cajoling???...???and also familiar. "Besides, Sith are stronger. They have the dark side."

"Who is he?" Luke asked, turning to find Jacen looking up from the water on his other side. "You know, don't you?"

"I told you," Jacen replied. "He's the one I saw sitting on the Throne of Balance."

"The dark man of your vision?" Luke asked. This was the best opportunity he would ever have to learn for certain why Jacen had turned to the dark side, and he was determined to take advantage of it. "The one you sacrificed yourself to stop?"

"I saw only one," Jacen replied. "And you're letting him win."

Luke shook his head. "He can't win, Jacen. Whatever damage you caused to the Force, you accomplished that much. The Sith will never rule the galaxy???...???not now."

The tattooed man stopped and whirled, and Luke found himself preparing to dodge a fork of Force lightning. But the stranger was in no better shape to fight than Luke. He had a gaping wound in his chest, just like Luke, and Luke could see that his entire form was shuddering. Instead of attacking, the Sith just stood staring at them, one eye shining yellow and the other an empty socket, his right arm a useless ghost of a limb.

Then, after an eternity that might have been a mere second, he said, "You must not be so certain of yourself, Master Skywalker. You may think you have stopped the Sith, but you know nothing of us???...???nothing at all."

"I know that Jacen changed the future," Luke retorted. "And you know it, too-or you wouldn't have been here to help me fight Abeloth."

The stranger dipped his chin in acknowledgment. "There is that," he said. "But can you be sure the change will last? Perhaps Caedus did not change the future. Perhaps he only delayed it."

Luke felt his energy and his determination come rushing back. "I guess that remains to be seen, doesn't it?"

A slow grin crept across the stranger's mouth. "Indeed it does." He turned and began to limp away. "And we shall see, Master Skywalker. I promise you that."

Luke returned to his feet and stood watching, until the stranger finally stepped onto the shore and vanished. The man was barely gone before Jacen spoke again, this time from the water in front of Luke.











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发表于 2012-9-14 22:32 | 显示全部楼层


中文部分看完了  理解了好多看电影不能理解的东西  感谢

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-15 08:42 | 显示全部楼层


引用第14楼biobo于2012-09-14 16:23发表的 Re:《星球大战》:卢克·天行者成为星战里古往今来武力最强绝地的成长 .. :




(其实有些像Marvel漫画里的天神了 = = )

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-15 08:47 | 显示全部楼层


引用第12楼ak123于2012-09-14 15:49发表的 Re:《星球大战》:卢克·天行者成为星战里古往今来武力最强绝地的成长 .. :



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发表于 2012-9-15 11:55 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-15 14:48 | 显示全部楼层


引用第15楼vving于2012-09-14 18:51发表的 Re:《星球大战》:卢克·天行者成为星战里古往今来武力最强绝地的成长 .. :


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-18 11:45 | 显示全部楼层


引用第11楼时间守护者于2012-09-14 13:23发表的 Re:《星球大战》:卢克·天行者成为星战里古往今来武力最强绝地的成长 .. :




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发表于 2012-9-18 15:16 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-19 08:07 | 显示全部楼层


引用第26楼Nebo于2012-09-18 15:16发表的 Re:《星球大战》:卢克·天行者成为星战里古往今来武力最强绝地的成长 .. :


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